National Football League
As tens of thousands of guests descend on Miami to experience the NFL's Super Bowl Week celebration, there are countless areas of crowd concentration that need to be prepared for all types of medical situations. The iCrowd team was on hand to work with National Football League officials in evaluating the various health and safety vendors and protocols in place protecting everyone, from the fans in the stands to the workers behind-the-scenes.
Our Solution

Many factors are considered when evaluating the medical needs of as high a profile and complex a production as the Super Bowl. With thousands of fans attending the game, a global contingent of media covering it’s every move, and a world-wide television audience tuned in, every possible issue needs to be considered and scenarios played out. Though the final score of the game is out of iCrowd’s control, there are hundreds of health and safety outcomes that iCrowd does make an impact on.

As the fans and teams head home after another record-breaking Super Bowl, iCrowd breaks down the strengths, weaknesses, risks, and threats that the NFL will address as they plan for the future of the big game.
Days to prepare for Super Bowl LIV in Miami
250 000 +
Visitors for Super Bowl Week
102 000 000
Global TV audience
Global Citizen
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